Quainton Street, London, NW10 0BG

020 8450 3631


We live to love, learn, respect and follow Jesus who says, “Love one another as I have loved you”



Please make payment using parentpay.

Absence Form

Permission to walk home

Breakfast Club Form

Please make payment using ParentPay

Permission to bring mobile to school

The General consent letter is signed by a parent giving consent for visits to the Church and trips into the local environment. It also covers computer lessons, access of the internet and photos which are taken in school or on trips. The letter is valid from the time your child enters the school until they leave.

The Leave of Absence letter is for exceptional circumstances only. This is either authorised or unauthorised by the Headteacher. You can be called into school to explain the reason why you need to take your child out during term time. If there is a problem the Education Welfare Officer will make an appointment to see you.

Forms for downloading:-

Please click on the link to down the form you require:

General Consent Form

Leave of Absence Form

Breakfast Club

Kidzone Booking-in Slip